Fashion Arena Outlet Center

Rating: 6.1/10 412 votes
440 Zamenhofova, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, 108 00, Czech Republic
Outlet Mall


Fashion Arena Outlet Center is situated in Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic and offers the following amenities to its visitors: atms, car parking, discount & savings cards, rest areas, restaurants and cafés, shuttle bus service, tax free shopping, train stop .

You can find more than 104 brands offered in 119 outlets here. In Fashion Arena Outlet Center you will find discounts on accessories, beauty products, clothes, foodstuffs, gifts, household goods, jewelry.


440 Zamenhofova
Hlavní město Praha 108 00
Czech Republic

GPS Location

50.076097°, 14.539965°
N 50.076097°, E 14.539965°
50°4’33.9"N, 14°32’23.9"E

Working Hours

Mon–Sun: 10:00–20:00


Car Parking
Discount & Savings Cards
Rest Areas
Restaurants and Cafés
Shuttle Bus Service
Tax Free Shopping
Train Stop